Rutinas / Routines

Hago el maximo esfuerzo para evitar el estres de nuestros huespedes. Estas son algunas de las medidas previstas para ayudar a crear un entorno saludable tanto mental como fisicamente.

I make a maximum effort to avoid stress for our guests. These are some of the measures provided to help create a healthy environment both mentally and physically.

Juguetes / Toys

Juguetes y ropa de cama de su hogar.

Toys and bedding from their home.


Meal times and diets which match their normal schedule.

Horarios de comidas y dietas acordes a su horario habitual.

Ejercicio / Exercise

Paseos dos veces al dia despues de las comidas, ya sea individualmente o con otros perros, segun recomendacion de su dueno.

Walks twice a day after meals, either individually or with with other dogs, as recommended by their owner.

Tiempo de juego / Playtime

Jugar, individualmente o con otros dependiendo de su temperamento. Esto puede incluir el uso de nuestro curso de agilidad, porque algunos perros se benefician de actividades mas estimulantes.

Playing, Individually or with others depending on their temperament. This may include using our agility course, because some dogs benefit from more stimulating activities.

Visitas / Visits

Se pueden organizar visitas para necesidades veterinarias durante la estancia.

Visits for veterinary needs can be arranged during a stay.

Salud / Health.

Se pueden administrar medicamentos segun sea necesario y en caso de emergencia sanitaria la asistencia veterinaria mas cercana esta a 10 minutos.

Medicine can be administered as required and in the case of a health emergency the nearest veterinary assistance is 10 minutes away.

Seguridad / Security.

Camaras de seguridad protegen el local las 24 horas del dia, los 7 dias de la semana.

Security cameras protect the premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Servicios equinos / Equine Services

Trabajo en tierra y entrenamiento de manejo para el caballo y el propietario si asi lo solicita.

Ground work and handling training for horse and owner if requested

Picadero y corral de equitacion

Riding arena and roundpen

Montar en los alrededores

Riding in the surrounding countryside


"Paw and Hoof Hotel provides truly exceptional dog care. Charles treats every dog like his own." ... Christina H.

"My fur baby, Jake, knows his schedule and waits patiently for Charles on daycare days." ... Buffie H.

"We trust Charles to love and care for our dogs as we would." ... Satisfied Client

Contactenos / Contact Us

Para reservas o consultas, comuniquese con Charles, el propietario y operador de Paw and Hoof Hotel.

For reservations or inquiries, reach out to Charles, the owner and operator of Paw and Hoof Hotel.